Friday, August 5, 2011

J.k. Rowling Immediately Dismantle Secret Pottermore





J.k. Rowling Immediately Dismantle Secret Pottermore
Secret Pottermore-Harry Potter fans get ready. J.k. Rowling plans revealed his latest project about the boy wizard.

Rowling will hold a press conference on Thursday (11/6) in London to explain the details about the Pottermore, an online page mysterious until now only display the words, ' coming soon '.

Some people suspect the page that will contain the free online Harry Potter, the novel version of the e-book or internet-based game.

Secret Pottermore-Some newspapers claimed United Kingdom receive what seems like a memo that was leaked online pages is an internet game including the hunt for magic wand. However, a spokeswoman for Rowling, Rebeca Salt says the memo dated December 2010 it is an old document that inadvertently sent and details about the new writer of the new project will be correctly expressed Thursday (23/6).

Rowling has never revealed himself did not shut down to write a continuation series of Harry Potter but Salt assert that Pottermore is not a new rush by Rowling. Secret Pottermore


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